Just got home from the Aquatic Centre. I had such a great time tonight. Attended the Aquafit class with my friend V. I can't believe how much fun I had! Will definitely go back again. What a great way to start the week!
Well, actually I didn't feel that way this morning. Scheduled to start work at 9am. i set my alarm for 7:45am. I woke up, snoozed it once, then turned it off, telling myself I would get up in a few moments. Guess what? I didn't. I woke up at 8:15am! I don't know how I did it, but I managed to be out of the house by 8:40am. That included packing, and cleaning up my room. Got to work 10 minutes late. Not too bad actually. Good thing traffic wasn't horrible. Sigh. When will I ever learn? No snoozing!!! Something I definitely need to work on.
Had a great weekend. Spent Saturday at home with family. I felt a pull to be at home, what with the news of my aunt last week. We found out last week that my aunt in the Philippines had a mild stroke and had to be admitted to the hospital. With her current condition (Stage IV cancer), the prognosis is not good. They found new mets in her liver, to add to the posse of mets that have invaded her brain, lungs, and bone. It was such a bummer for the whole family. She and one of her daughters, and one of her sisters were supposed to come here for a visit. We were gonna do the cruise all together, including my mom and dad, and another aunt who's here. It was going to be a blast. But God has other plans. My mom and aunt are going there instead. Sis #3 might go as well. Same with my dad. Sis #2 and hubby were at my parents' as well on Saturday. I played the singer in our rock band group. :) It was so much fun...
Yesterday after church, we headed to Richmond for some dimsum which I had been craving. Afterwards, we spent hours inside Costco. I got some glucosamine. I started taking them yesterday. I hope it works..... I pray it works, in addition to exercise and prayers. My mom got this set of pots and pans that were ceramic titanium. There was a man doing demos. My mom was sold. For $550 for a set of 10 (I think), it better be good! I believe she proceeded to trial them out last night. So far so good.
We headed to Aberdeen Centre afterwards. Had some frappe bliss :) and iced lemon tea. Danni worked on her homework while we sat there. Of course I had to go to Daiso and get some notebooks. :) I swear, I'm obsessed with notebooks. Their selection seems to have waned since I last went there. There are now only 2 aisles of notebooks. Even after I'd finished perusing, I found myself going back to peruse some more. Sigh. Went home with some more notebooks. :)
All in all a very busy weekend. Busy but good. Got lots of family time. Made lots of deposit into the emotional bank accounts of my sisters. Spoke with Sis #2 on the phone too last night. I needed it. It came at the perfect time. Somehow, words/things keep coming at just the right time, almost as if someone had set it all up...