So I got a reply tonight. I was disappointed. Again. Two more weeks. I just want to get it over with. But this guy just keeps stalling. Even after I've told him that it's really important to me. Thirty minutes -- that's all I asked for. Can someone really be that busy? He doesn't even have to drive out to meet me. Ugh, thinking about it just makes me upset. I have to focus on the positive. At least he didn't say no. At least he replied to my e within a decent amount of time.
Anyway, change of topic. I feel that that's all I talk about here. Well, I am still getting over the whole thing. Anyway, I wanted to share a layout I made last night. The photo is of me with 4 of my siblings ( at that time) on my 8th birthday. I love this photo because it's a reminder to me of the Hello Kitty cake I had, and how we always got special birthday cakes. Journaling reads: My mom always made a big deal of our birthday cakes. Days before our birthdays, she would ask us what kind of cake we wanted and would take us to the bakery to look at photos of cakes and then order them. I was a big fan of Hello Kitty and hence, got a Hello Kitty cake. I loved it! I also remember a cake with a carousel one time because I loved the merry-go-round whenever we went to the carnival. Looking back now, I realize how much my mom loved us by providing for us in big and small ways. We are blessed. 062509